Red-Tailed Hawks – Rockefeller State Park Preserve

Red-Tailed Hawks – Rockefeller State Park Preserve

See more pictures of the Red-Tailed Hawk here. What is the size and shape of the Red-Tailed Hawk? The Red-Tailed Hawk, a majestic bird of prey, is known for its impressive size and distinctive shape. With a wingspan reaching four feet, this raptor commands attention...

Eastern Bluebird – Rockefeller State Park Preserve

Eastern Bluebird – Rockefeller State Park Preserve

See more pictures of the Eastern Bluebird here. What is the size and shape of the Eastern Bluebird? The Eastern Bluebird is a small, compact songbird, measuring about 6.5 to 7 inches long. It has a plump body with a short tail, giving it a rounded appearance. The bird...

American Robin – Rockefeller State Park Preserve

American Robin – Rockefeller State Park Preserve

See more pictures of the American Robin here. What is the size and shape of the American Robin? The American Robin is a medium-sized songbird, measuring about 9-11 inches (23-28 centimeters) in length. It has a plump, rounded body with a relatively long tail. The bird...

Gray Catbird – Rockefeller State Park Preserve

Gray Catbird – Rockefeller State Park Preserve

See more pictures of the Gray Catbird here. What is the size and shape of the Gray Catbird? The Gray Catbird is a medium-sized songbird that measures about 8-9 inches and weighs around 30 to 60 grams (one ounce to two ounces). It has a plump body with a long, slender...

Great Blue Heron – Rockefeller State Park Preserve

Great Blue Heron – Rockefeller State Park Preserve

See more pictures of the Great Blue Heron here. What is the size and shape of the Great Blue Heron? The Great Blue Heron is a large wading bird known for its impressive size and distinct shape. Standing around 3 to 4 feet tall, with a wingspan of 5 to 6 feet, it is...