Sparrows at Rockefeller State Park Preserve


This Gallery is dedicated to pictures of various Sparrows in Rockefeller State Park Preserve.

They include White Throated, Song Sparrows, House Sparrows, and more.

Click an image for a larger view.

Click the “Play” button at the top right of the larger view for a slide show.

Enjoy the pictures!

©2025 by Birds of Rockefeller. All rights reserved.


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Birds of rockfeller logo.
Birds of rockfeller logo.
A bird perched on a tree trunk.
A small bird perched on a branch.
A bird standing on snow.
A bird standing in the snow.
A bird on a branch.
Two birds perched on a branch with twigs.
A small bird perched on a branch with twigs.
A bird on a branch.
A small bird perched on a branch with berries.
A bird is sitting on a branch near a red building.
A small brown bird perched on a twig.
A small brown bird standing on the ground.
A small bird perched on a branch.
A small brown and white bird perched on a branch.
A brown bird standing on the ground.
Birds of rockfeller logo.
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